Posted Sun, 26 May 2024 00:14:48 GMT by

Hello everyone,

I’m currently working on integrating Power BI services into our company's data analysis workflow. While I've managed to set up basic dashboards and reports, I'm facing challenges with embedding reports into our internal website and configuring real-time data refresh. Specifically, I'm unsure about the best practices for securing the embedded reports and optimizing the refresh schedule to ensure data accuracy without overloading our resources.

Has anyone here successfully tackled these issues? Any tips, resources, or step-by-step guides would be immensely appreciated. Thanks in advance for your help!

Posted Sun, 26 May 2024 00:19:38 GMT by

To integrate Power BI reports into your internal website and manage real-time data refresh effectively, follow these steps:

  1. Embedding Reports:

    • Use the Power BI Embedded service. It allows secure embedding by generating an embed token.
    • Ensure you apply Row-Level Security (RLS) in Power BI to control data access for different users.
    • Embed the report using the "Publish to web" option or use the Power BI REST API for more control and security.
  2. Securing Embedded Reports:

    • Use Azure Active Directory (AAD) for authentication.
    • Always use the "Secure embed" link rather than the "Publish to web" link for internal applications.
  3. Real-Time Data Refresh:

    • Configure the dataset in Power BI Service. Go to the dataset settings and set up a scheduled refresh.
    • For more frequent updates, consider using the Power BI API to trigger dataset refreshes programmatically.
    • Optimize refresh times to avoid peak hours, ensuring minimal impact on resources. Use incremental refresh for large datasets.
  4. Best Practices:

    • Regularly monitor the performance of your reports and the impact of refresh schedules on your resources.
    • Leverage Power BI Premium capacity if the data volume and refresh frequency are high. also check

These strategies will help you secure your embedded reports and manage real-time data refresh efficiently.

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