How to Renew Trade License in Dubai? Everything Need to Know

Renewing a Dubai Mainland or DED trade license is essential for maintaining legal business operations. Yes, you can renew your trade license online in Dubai. Visit the DED website, access the Business Dashboard, and click “Renew trade license in Dubai” under My Transactions. Enter your license number and follow the prompts to renew before or after expiration. This process is streamlined to ensure that businesses can continue their operations without interruptions. Below is a comprehensive guide to renewing your Dubai LLC License.

How to Renew a Dubai Mainland or DED trade license

Documents Required for DED Trade License Renewal in Dubai

1. Ejari Registration: Ensure that your Ejari registration is up-to-date. Ejari is the official system for registering and recording tenancy contracts in Dubai.

2. Valid Tenancy Contract: Your tenancy contract must be valid for at least three months from the date of renewal. This document is crucial as it proves your business has a physical address.

3. Copy of the old Trade License: A copy of your current or expired trade license is necessary for the renewal process.

4. BR/1 form: This is the Business Registration form that needs to be filled out accurately.

5. Photocopy of Passports for all Business Partners: Ensure you have clear photocopies of the passports of all business partners involved in the company.

Step-by-Step Guide to Renewing Your Trade License in Dubai 2024

Here is a step-by-step guide to renewing your trade license in Dubai in 2024:

1. Check your Tenancy Contract: Before starting the renewal process, verify that your tenancy contract is valid and registered with Ejari. The contract must be valid for at least three months from the renewal date. An expired contract can halt your renewal process.

2. File your Application with the DED: Visit the Department of Economic Development (DED) website or a service center to file your renewal application. Ensure all your business documents are updated and compliant with current regulations.

3. Receive the payment voucher: Once your application is submitted, the DED will issue a payment voucher or transaction number. This voucher details the fees you need to pay for the renewal.

4. Make the payment: Using the payment voucher, make the necessary payment. Payments can be made online through the DED website, via bank transfer, or at designated payment centers.

5. Mobile app option: You can also renew your trade license through the DED’s mobile app. This option is convenient and allows you to manage your business transactions on the go.

How much does it cost to renew a trade license in Dubai?

The cost of renewing a trade license in Dubai varies based on several factors, including the nature of your business and its location. Typically, renewal fees range from AED 8,000 to AED 15,000. This cost covers various government fees, including the trade license fee, market fee, and service charges.

What is the Grace Period for Trade License Renewal?

Dubai offers a grace period for trade license renewal. You have 30 days after the expiration date of your license to renew it without incurring fines. However, it is advisable to renew your license before it expires to avoid any disruptions to your business operations.

Tips for Smooth Trade License Renewal

1. Start Early: Begin the renewal process well before your trade license expires to avoid any last-minute issues. Starting early gives you ample time to address any unexpected requirements or delays.

2. Keep Documents Updated: Ensure that all your business documents, especially the tenancy contract and Ejari registration, are current and valid. Regularly update your records to avoid any complications during the renewal process.

3. Stay Informed: Keep yourself updated with any changes in the regulations related to trade license renewal. This information can be accessed on the DED website or through business setup consultants like

4. Seek Professional Assistance: Consider hiring a professional business setup consultant to handle the renewal process. Experts like can ensure that all steps are completed accurately and efficiently, saving you time and effort.

Common Challenges and Solutions

1. Expired Tenancy Contract: One common issue is an expired tenancy contract. Ensure your tenancy contract is renewed and registered with Ejari well before it expires.

2. Incomplete Documentation: Missing or incomplete documents can delay the renewal process. Double-check all required documents and keep them ready for submission.

3. Incorrect Application Details: Ensure all details in the renewal application are accurate. Any discrepancies can lead to rejection or delays. Review the application carefully before submission.

4. Delayed Payments: Timely payment of renewal fees is crucial. Delays in payment can halt the renewal process. Make sure to pay as soon as you receive the payment voucher or transaction number.

Benefits of Timely Trade License Renewal

1. Legal Compliance: Operating with a valid trade license ensures you are compliant with UAE laws, avoiding fines or penalties.

2. Business Continuity: A renewed license allows uninterrupted business operations, maintaining your reputation and customer trust.

3. Access to Services: A valid license enables you to access various government and business services essential for your operations.


Renewing your trade license in Dubai is a critical aspect of maintaining your business operations. Understanding the process and staying proactive can ensure a smooth renewal experience. For expert guidance and support, consider consulting with, a trusted partner in business setup in Dubai.

Want to learn more about trade license renewal in Dubai? Speak to one of our experts at today.