• How to Create a Coffee Cupping Tray

    Creating a coffee cupping tray is a rewarding endeavor that allows you to tailor the experience to your preferences and needs. At Coffee Pro Direct, we understand the importance of a well-crafted cupping setup, and we're here to guide you through the process.

    First, select a suitable base for your coffee bean tray. Wooden trays are a popular choice for their natural aesthetics and durability, but you can also explore options like ceramic or metal for a modern twist.

    Next, consider the layout of your tray. Designate compartments or slots for coffee samples, spoons, and tasting cards to keep everything organized and easily accessible during the cupping session.

    Whether you're a coffee professional or an enthusiastic home brewer, creating a coffee cupping tray allows you to showcase your love for coffee in every detail. Visit Coffee Pro Direct for all your coffee bean tray needs and start crafting your perfect cupping setup today.